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Toby< Cobber and Hazer-BC

Toby< Cobber and Hazer-BC

Here are some pictures of Toby at 1 year old. He is just a great dog. Fun, smart, naughty at times (he's in his teenage stage, right now, I think!) but always fun to be around. Very calm in the house. I think you were right when you said he had a temperament like his mom. Loves to be in among other dogs and definitely holds his own with them. Very fast - frustrates a lot of the other dogs cos they can't catch him. Protective of his family - he chased a bear when it ran across the trail in front of us - luckily he came back to me on command - phew! He's about 40 pounds - the perfect size. Loves to snuggle. Has some herding instinct but not too much I'd like to try him at agility at some point. I think he would be awesome. He also loves to swim - we've been out hiking at one of our lakes today and in he went. We always get compliments on how handsome he is and I'm sure you will see that from his photos. You and your family certainly know how to breed Aussies Thank you so much for such a great dog.